Wednesday 14 August 2019

Yvonne, Jean-Paul & Cachou

Last night  after taking Cachou for a walk we asked our hosts to allow us to take a photo of them & the result is:

Yvonne is 72 years old but hasn’t a line on her face and runs around the property playing with the dog as if she was 50, which she could well pass for, JP at 70 is showing signs of wear however but Cachou being only 6 is as spritely as ever always eager to play.

Around here properties have tall fences around them and it seems behind every fence is a dog, if the noise they make as we walk past with Cachou is any indication but not once in the time we have been here have we heard him bark - he is as placid as.

Nîmes was our day trip today (pleased to report no car park or toll booth issues today), another town that has very well preserved Roman remains, the amphitheatre being the standout. 

Built in the 1st century it is still used today for performances and bullfighting- there was a performance as recently as last night.

It can hold 20,000 spectators and one can only imagine the sound they made when the slaves were forced to fight the wild animals 

There was another Classic All Blacks store in town and in chatting with the assistant she told me that the brand was developed by Andy Haden.

Lunch today in a restaurant in one of the many squares was a croque madame which is a croque monsieur with an egg on top. 

and we were treated to another of Yvonne’s very fine meals for dinner

Kms driven today 130

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