Tuesday 20 August 2019

The streak is broken

As indicated yesterday the weather forecast was not favourable for today and do it turned out as we woke to a steady drizzle/rain which persisted for the day.

What do you do when it is wet? What most other insane people do and that is go to a shopping mall and here in StE there is one on the outskirts of town with around 50 shops and 4 or 5 large standalone stores e.g. a very poor copy of Rebel Sports!

We spent the best part of 3 hours there including a stop for lunch hoping by then that the rain would have stopped but alas...

So if it was off to Saint Galmier to visits the Badoit factory however on arrival it was obvious that today was not a visiting day as the closed sign was out.

What was also obvious was that the locals came down to the site to full there own bottles with this naturally occurring mineral water so we proceeded to do the same.
We stopped off in the town itself which as we expected would be and was “dead”, tried to buy a couple of decaffeinated  coffees at the cafe (lady was insistent that yes she served coffee and yes it had caffeine in it) unsuccessfully, admired the Hotel de Ville (strange how public money is readily available to keep the town halls across France in sparkling condition but never enough to pick up the dog shite on the footpaths) and set off back to home base.There were two accidents seen on the roads today, one a serious looking smash on the motorway when we were traveling to Saint Galmier and the other right in front of us as we entered a roundabout on the way home when the car in front went from a standing start on to the roundabout, then went sideways before coming to rest in the grassed area in the middle of the roundabout.

Talking of cars the documentary series F1 Drive to Survive available on Netflix is a very good watch in you have an interest in motor sports

Kms driven today: 59

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