Friday 9 August 2019

Quiet but satisfying day...

...highlighted by the Warriors win this morning. (Message to Lance - if you want our team to do well then please continue to watch the games from home! At least we have an excuse for not attending and it is nothing to do with it being wet and cold)

This morning it was a trip to the supermarket and to put some more diesel in the Peugeot and after lunch we went on a tour around the local area, firstly to Piolenc where we checked out and booked a restaurant for our meal tonight, however not sure how it will go as English doesn’t appear to be spoken there.

Piolenc was rather dead,  but no more so than all the villages around here from around 12.30 to 4.00 as folk stay indoors to get away from the hottest part of the day. Part of the walk was beside a stream which was rather attractive/different.
We the moved on to Uchaux another village nearby and one which was very tidy, however finding a place to park the car was rather a chore!

We did find two restaurants there which we may visit in coming days, but not much else

Then it was onto Serignan, reached by driving through a delightful area of flat plains with numerous Chateaux at the rear of the vineyards.

Again Serignan was asleep and we were hot so it was back to Mornas and straight into the pool.

Having cooled off we then readied ourselves to return to Piolenc for dinner.

We must be located near to a military airbase as from time to time 3 or 4 fighter planes will thunder across the sky heading to who knows where.

We first heard them in Valence, not so much in Aix-en-Provence but certainly here in Les Pins, Mornas from the time the sun gets up until it goes down - cicadas! They must be so prolific that you can buy either a ceramic or wooden cicada souvenir, replete with sound effects that are set off as you move past them! Our host in Valence told me as I looked up into the tree from where the noise was coming - “Seagulls, seagulls”

Kms driven today: 59

P.S. Email from our hostess this afternoon 

Hello the technician came but could not do anything. In fact the flow is not enough in the village of Mornas. Another person from France Telecom must come to see if there is a solution. I'm waiting for an appointment. I'll keep you informed.

If nothing else Yvonne goes out of her way to please - she gave us an aubergine, a huge courgette (both Sherry’s favourite vegetables) and a handful of tomatoes this morning so I guess she is suggesting we cook our own dinner in the next day or two.

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