Tuesday 27 August 2019


It was in another backstreet restaurant, Le Bouchon du Palais that we had dinner last night only because it served traditional meals and on this occasion we had Le Coq au VinWhether the plate as presented was traditional is open to some debate given that it included tagliatelle rather than fume de pomme de terre but what is not open to debate is that we enjoyed the meal.

Tuesday is (one of) Dijon’s weekly market days so like all the other Dijonnais we set off to Les Halles (designed by Eiffel) to pick up something for a cooked meal tonight. 

The market area had a great vibe about it with stalls both inside and out as well as some musos performing for the passing crowdsWe spent sometime walking around and seeing what was on offer before buying whole sardines, carrots, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes and some more fruit which together with a baguette, some presille, eggs and cheese we have in the fridge provides for lunch today and a meal tonight all for the princely sum of €11.43!

In the area of the market was a shop selling products of the region (mainly mustards) and it presented a colourful sightOn the exterior wall of the Notre Dame is a sculptured owl which was added in the 16th century and has become the symbol of Dijon.

Folklore has it that if you rub the owl with your left hand as you pass it from left to right the wish you make will come true 
We will see!
Also there is an Owl Trail set up around Dijon that when followed will take you to 22 tourist related sites of Dijon so this afternoon we set off to do part of it - the sites were mainly buildings 
The start ouside Jardin Darcy 

We completed half of it this afternoon before retiring to the apartment for a reviver mid afternoon.

It wasn’t long before we were back on the streets in shops and streets that up until then had remained unexplored. Time passed quickly and it was back to “My Home in Dijon” (the name of our accommodation as found on the internet) to prepare dinner,

Kms driven today: 0

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