Tuesday 13 August 2019

Half Time!

Half way through today was half way through our holiday! We have seen a lot since leaving home and no doubt we will see a lot more before we get back.  

Mid morning we set off north to a village/town called Viviers, one we had read about in a travel supplement, which is located on the banks of the Rhône.

While the travel writer made the place seem quite idyllic in truth it was no better or worse than many towns in southern France,

There was a cathedral which is the smallest cathedral in use in France and which was consecrated in 1119.
From the area of the cathedral there is a view out over the general areaand on the Rhône there were two river cruise boats, one just leaving and the other, Emerald Liberte at dock.

Leaving Viviers we then moved onto Montelimar, a town of more size than those we have visited recently but it wasn’t that startling and it was done over in 56 minutes!

Obviously from the number of nougat shops/factories in the area it has a thriving nougat industry I know that it was 56 minutes because that was the time shown on our car park ticket which being less than an hour entitled us to free parking. However when I put the ticket in the barrier machine the arm stayed firmly down, so the flashing lights on the car were activated and I went to the service booth. The attendant created another ticket for us and this time the barrier arm lifted and we drove through. However around 100m on there was another barrier and this time the ticket wouldn’t raise the arm as it said the fee of 1€40 hadn’t been paid. We tried to pay it with the credit card but the card was rejected as invalid and by now a queue of cars sat behind us. Through the intercom I spoke to the service attendant and I assume he hit a button to let us out as the barrier came up.

Incident number 2 was at the toll booth as we entered the motorway - some booths are solely for this who have auto “telepeages” fitted to their vehicle and they can drive on through almost without the need to stop.

As we approached the booths I did not see that the lane I was aiming for was one such booth and despite Sherry telling me we were in the wrong lane I knew best and pulled up alongside the ticket machine which refused to issue the toll ticket so all we could do was reverse out and go to another booth but that ain’t an easy process particularly when by now there is an articulated truck sitting on your rear bumper. The driver however understood my hand signals and reversed his rig to allow us to back out of that lane and get onto the correct one - a nice chap who by his calm reaction must have had to do that many times on his journeys up and down the toll roads of France.

Kms driven today; 101

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