Friday 23 August 2019

Three Quarters Dead

After looking at the map we chose to drive to 4 villages/towns east of StE today and of the 4 there was another gem discovered.

The first and furtherest away was Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez but getting there was another challenge as Mrs GPS took us through some terrible terrain, particularly a road that hadn’t seen any maintenance for quite sometime and was no more than one car and a touch more wide and as luck would have it there were other vehicles who also had the same GPS but were coming the other way!

At the bottom of the aforementioned road was La Barrage, a dam which retained a lot of water on one side  however we couldn’t see any flowing on the other side.
Around 5km from La Barrage was SCeJ which is the gem referred to. The village is enclosed in what was a monastery founded by Beatrix de la Tour du Pin in 1280 and is the 49th monastery of the Carthusian Order.

During the French Revolution the monks of Sainte-Croix were gradually dispossessed of all of their property and in 1794 the buildings and gardens were divided into 44 lots and brought at auction by local people

We were able to walk through the village and view the church which had been very well maintained replete with the pews that the monks used to sit on/stand against 

Despite the “stress” in getting there it was a worthwhile village to visit!

We then drove to Rive-de-Gier but apart from finding a place to buy a roll for lunch, sitting in the shade overlooking a park whilst we ate (market day in RdG today) and walking to the supermarket to buy some essentials there was nothing there that we saw that was remotely attractive so we moved on to La Grand-Croix but after walking down the Main Street (at least we think it was the Main Street) we commented to each other that “We have found another dead one here”.

The only thing that attracted us was the name of this hair salon and it is obviously the place to go if you want a natty haircut!
The 4th and final town we visited was La Talaudiere and this one was more modern than any of the others and was starting to wake up, it being by now 3pm, but it still had a lot of sleep in the eyes!

We have seen a couple of different pedestrian crossing warning signs during our travels and this was one of them!La Talaudiere also had a nice Central Park which houses some of the municipal buildings 

Kms driven today: 75

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