Sunday 11 August 2019

L’Isle sur La Sogue

50 something kilometres south east of Mornas is “Venice of Provence” or L’Isle de la Sogue - the island on the river Sogue which is regarded as the 3rd best place in the world to buy antiquities.

The Centre is surrounded by “canals”

and today, within that centre was the weekly Sunday markets, one of if not the biggest we have encountered on this trip so far.

It was packed and walking around it was like leaving a stadium at the end of a football game (or being among AB fans leaving the Perth game early!)
Being Sunday all these good folk should have been at church!

While there were a very large number of stalls in essence there may have only been 15-20 different types of stall e.g. fashion, shoes, hats, food, soaps etc. there being a high degree of overlap. The range of tomatoes available is, in relation to home, quite staggering.

Another downside is that the stalls hide the “beauty” of the village. 
After having lunch in an Italian cafe 

we continued our walk around the village and came across a tree lined alcove of 30 antiques shops

The shops were selling antique pieces in some cases centuries old and at prices that if you had to ask the price you obviously couldn’t afford to buy!

‘Twas hot again today and by now the bodies were starting to wilt so we circled the town and found where we had parked the vehicle and drove back to Mornas without incident though there was obviously some hold up on the motorway.
Late afternoon we cooled off in the pool and we then enjoyed another of Yvonne Court’s fabulous home cooked meals
before taking their dog, Cachou, for a walk - he was pulling us along rather than the other way round.

Kms driven today: 117

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