Monday 19 August 2019

Things have changed...

...well at least the weather has (temporarily we hope) as overnight there was a thunderstorm and this morning we awoke to showers, however by the time we were ready to go out they had stopped and while it was a cool 18degC at least it was fine.

We walked down to the tram stop in Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, brought 4 tickets (€1.40 each usable for 1H30 from when first validated on a tram/bus) and hopped on the tram which runs about every 8 minutes. The trip into the centre took about 15 minutes and we got off near Hotel de Ville.

Not sure how to describe StE as:

a) it is Monday morning and a lot of shops don’t open until tomorrow or 3pm this afternoon at the earliest
b) some shops will not open at all during our stay as the owner takes his summer holiday
c) this morning it was a rather grey day
d) at times we were the only ones in a street so there was no vibe

One of the features of the city is that there are some extremely long straight roads running through the city (the following two photos are taken from the same sport but at 180 degrees to each other)

As the first feature mentioned is the length of the streets one may start to build a picture of what the city has to offer!

There were a couple of reasonably attractive buildings 

but not much else.

After lunch we ambled around some of the shops that were open (found one where Sherry brought a very nice dress) picked up some essentials and then started walking in the direction of “home” knowing that at anytime we could jump on a tram.

Before we knew it, or more correctly before we ran out of steam, we had arrived in the general area of our accommodation simply by following the tram tracks - the distance from where we had lunch to home was 4.5kms.

We have been in Europe 5 times now since 2011 for periods of up to 3 months at a time and so far we have never had a day where rain has stopped us - will our luck hold? Not sure looking at tomorrow’s forecast.

Kms driven today: 0

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