Tuesday 11 July 2023

Sport is a peacemaker!

Last night we had a nice meal in an Afghani Restaurant and started a conversation with the waiter. As soon as he was aware that we were from NZ he mentioned our cricket team and so we had a small conversation on cricket. He was very proud of Rajid Khan, their leg spinner who plays around the world in T20 leagues.

On our return to the hotel we took a different route and ended up behind the Residenz and were able to view some of the gardens

This morning we conquered, not without some effort Festung Marienberg the castle mentioned in my previous post. I used the word conquered because Sir Ed would have been proud of us getting up there but the exertion was well worth while.

The castle was the seat of the bishops of this area from 1250 on and the hill on which it stands, Marienburg, was first settled in the late Bronze Age. It remain the centre of power in the region until around 1740 when the court was transferred to the Residenz.

The castle has all that one would expect to find in a castle of this size

A church
A deep well

                                                                                 A keep
However above all it gives a fantastic view over Würzburg 

which I hope I have captured in a video which can be seen here

While at the castle a tour guide was giving his talk (in German) but he was wearing an AIG branded All Blacks top - I wanted to chat with him but he was in full voice so we started our somewhat easier walk back to town.

As we neared the bottom he and his group caught up so I took the opportunity to speak with him - he is German and a history teacher as well as a tour guide but has a passion for rugby as he was introduced to it by his father and the first significant game he watched was the World Cup final NZ v South Africa and what made it more memorable for him was Nelson Mandela going on to the field in the SA jersey which in his words was the status symbol of the SA whites.

Fancy a person whose country doesn’t have a rugby team of any note having such a passion for the game!

Today was exceptionally hot so this afternoon we fired up the 308 and drove a relatively short distance to the Geisbergbad pools at Veitschöchheim, the only problem was that all of Würzburg had done the same - the carparks were almost full, there was a queue around 75m long waiting to get in and once in the two pools and the large expanse of shaded area were awash with families and others
One had to be discreet with the camera as photos were forbidden 

Kms driven to date 1784
Kms walked to date 270.8
Spent on Diesel €129.66
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.579 Würzburg 
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479 Freiburg
Spent on tolls €0

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