Sunday 23 July 2023

As far as the eye could see

We relocated from Andriano to Verona today via the A22 - for 129 kms we travelled along the valley floor with towering hills/mountains/cliffs on either side and for not one kilometre of that 129 kms were we travelling on anything but level road (or so it seemed)

For most of the journey Sherry was at the wheel so that allowed me to take a video as we went along the highway and it can be seen here

 Unfortunately for our driver there was plenty of traffic which caused queueing quite regularly and for some distance before, miraculously, the jam unjammed and normal movement resumed.

Having arrived here in Verona and unpacking we then walked into the city, a walk of around 30 minutes but in high temperatures- it was very draining.

First impressions of Verona aren’t especially good - while the old town is much as you would expect, bustling, lots of eating places around the piazzas creating a good vibe- the walk into town was through some “scrubby” areas and the city itself appears anything but clean.

We did enough to get the basic layout of the city and after a meal on the Piazza Erbe as we left to come back to our residence we along with many others stopped off and looked up to a famous balcony in Casa Di Giulietta

The same balcony where Romeo Montague meets his lover Juliet Capulet and inspired Shakespeare to write Romeo and Juliet. There is also a statue of Juliet in the courtyard 

We will see whether our impressions of Verona change after we have spent more time here.

Kms driven to date 2691
Kms walked to date 377.4
Spent on Diesel €129.66
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.579 Würzburg 
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479 Freiburg
Spent on tolls €27.60

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