Monday 3 July 2023

Spend a penny!

We left Freiburg this morning and moved on to Ulm which is situated 287kms slightly north east of Freiburg.

Our journey was longer than the GPS indicated as there was a stretch of around 9kms, for reasons we couldn’t fathom, where there was a significant back up of vehicles across all 3 lanes and which took us the best part of 50 minutes at a stop start pace to clear.

In this part of the world one has to pay to use most of the bathrooms, none more so than at the service stops on the motorways where there is normally a petrol station and a cafe.

At our first stop we noticed that customers had some sort of voucher and a sign board that we noticed as we left implied “spend a Euro and get a Euro voucher”

At our next stop as we walked from the car on the footpath sat one of these vouchers so I picked it and we then brought lunch but never received any voucher however when I went to the bathroom and put €1 in the machine to get through the turnstile to the bathroom the machine spat out a €1 voucher and when I exited there was another €1 voucher (I assume some one has left in the machine)

The penny then sunk that if you spent a Euro to use the bathroom you received a Euro voucher to cash against what one brought in the cafe, so excitedly I returned and told Sherry how the system worked and what to expect when she went to the bathroom.

On her return from the bathroom she proudly advised me that she had done better than me as her machine spat our 4 vouchers.

So in spending €2 we obtained by fair means or foul €7 in vouchers that we can use when next we stop at a service stop - I don’t know anywhere else where one gets a 350% return when one spends a penny!

Arrived at Ulm mid-afternoon, found our hotel, not without some difficulty due to a road closure, parked the 308 and had a quick stroll around the area in which the hotel is situated - we will explore the wider area tomorrow 

Catholic Church 
Town Hall

Kms driven to date 1408
Kms walked to date 186.7
Spent on diesel €65
Spent on tolls €0


Anonymous said...

Need to put some petrol in your 💼 to bring home at that rate, or are you in hybrid?

Dave McIver said...

Thought about getting a plug-in hybrid but was unsure of ability to charge it so stayed with what we knew worked, diesel.