Saturday 15 July 2023

A near and not so near miss!

With tomorrow being Sunday and the shopping area basically being closed we decided to spend time in the city today and do the more touristy things tomorrow.

On the way into centrum, we have around 1.5 kms walk, there was this “thing” running towards us and then scurrying across the road. Given its shape and tail we surmised that it was a squirrel - perhaps better to say still is rather than was as the little thing had a far width of road to cover from side to side including two tram lines and at one stage it disappeared behind a bus. It did achieve its objective and scurried off into the sanctuary of a cemetery.

Not so lucky was a motorcyclist and his pillion at a set of traffic lights by the transport terminal. He had pulled up behind a camper van and I saw the driver look into his side rear vision mirror and then start to reverse and in an instant had the motorcycle and those on it on the roadway, suffice to say when the motorcyclist picked himself up he wasn’t happy.

The heat was draining today and so to a certain extent it was going from an air conditioned store into another (hopefully) air conditioned store.

There was a traditional German beer band in the market today and I stopped and took this not so good video - I think the video is slightly better than the sound coming from the horn!

The local police have been having a recruiting drive 

The City fathers have created a beach for this inland town

And a couple of nice areas near our accommodation

Returned to the apartment during the afternoon and used the time giving some clothes a new lease of life.

If you like liver and plenty of it this was our meal tonight in a local Turkish restaurant 

Kms driven to date 2054
Kms walked to date 309.1
Spent on Diesel €129.66
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.579 Würzburg 
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479 Freiburg
Spent on tolls €0

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