Sunday 2 July 2023

Enjoying the outdoors

Sunday in this part of the world is non-commercial so we chose to spend our time at two outdoor spots that locals clearly enjoy.

First we drove a short distance to Mundenhof Wildlife Park which is an area that has animals from around the world contained in areas that are far in excess of what one would see in a traditional zoo.

There is no charge to enter and by paying for parking (€10) they collect enough to maintain the facility. Whether it is because it is “free” or the Freiburgers like seeing animals I’m not sure but it was a very popular family outing.

While it is called a wildlife park in truth there were not many animals that one would call “wild” but nevertheless it was an interesting way to pass a couple of hours

A couple of wild ones!
There was a small aquarium that had some very colourful fish and reptiles on view

We also noticed that a specie of bird had taken a fancy to building their  nests in the top of the chimneys on some of the buildings

A burly German who we saw had an interesting tattoo on the back of his leg and I couldn’t resist “accidentally” taking a pic of it
If you are able to enlarge the photo you’ll get the drift of it.

We then moved a few kilometres back into the urban area and called into Seepark, which as you guessed is a park containing a decent sized man-made lake.

Again there were many families at the park, there being an artisan market and also the finish area for what looked to be a triathlon that along with the water would have attracted them.

We enjoyed a stroll around the lake before returning to our digs mid afternoon - another Sunday done and dusted.

We leave the Black Forest area tomorrow and have thoroughly enjoyed our stay both in Baden-Baden and here in Freiburg and while we didn’t see all of the 6500 square kms of the forest we certainly saw enough to appreciate what it has to offer - if you like nature and the outdoors this is the place to visit.

Kms driven to date 1121
Kms walked to date 179.7
Spent on diesel €65
Spent on tolls €0


Anonymous said...

Nice photo of the animals from down under! X

Sherry & Dave said...

Should see them now, looking a touch ragged!