Monday 17 July 2023

Oh my Gawd

We relocated to Fussen today stopping off at Oberammergau on the way, which is a small town in the Bavarian Alps.

It is very obvious that the town is heavily influenced by religion and when one researches the history it becomes clear why.

In the 1630s plague raged in many parts of Europe not sparing Oberammergau either. In 1633 the villagers promised to perform the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ every tenth year in return no further residents would die of the plague. The villagers pleas were answered and in 1634 the first Passion Play took place and the promise has been kept to this day with the 42nd play being held during May to September 2022 (111 performances) after the 2020 play was postponed due to Covid.

As well as being known for its commitment it is also known for its elaborately painted buildings with religious frescos and being situated in a scenic valley with the Ammergau Alps towering over the village it makes a stunning sight.

Our accommodation in Fussen is in a building that first appears in local chronicles in 1457 when there was a fire in the pharmacy next door - when we step out the front door we are on the main street which today was crowded with tourists who are here to do the same thing we will, but more of that tomorrow.

Something that Germans seem to have a liking for is ice cream, there being Eis shops galore all well frequented no matter the time of day.

A snapshot from a typical ice cream shop menu

Kms driven to date 2206
Kms walked to date 329
Spent on Diesel €129.66
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.579 Würzburg 
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479 Freiburg
Spent on tolls €0

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