Friday 7 July 2017

The Moors

Fowey to Axminster allowed us to travel through the Dartmoor National Park, a trip that very much reminded of the roads in the Desert Rd area.

We stopped at Postbridge which was approximately 1400 ft ASL and was around half way through - as we had risen slowly up we drove through vast areas of treeless, bushless pasture on which freely roamed sheep, cattle and horses and ponies

Postbridge is "famous" for its 13th century clapper bridge which sits south of the road bridge which was built in the 1780s

The old....

...and the not so old!

Coming out of the moors we headed for Lyme Regis, another fishing town on the south coast on the Devon Dorset border

While the guides have it written up as a little special in truth it was somewhat ordinary however we were intrigued by the 43 beach huts that were available for hire (£110 p.w. in the high season) and in which beachgoers turned it into a mini crib with kettles, table, chairs and general beach clutter


There were a lot of folk on the beach on a day which in NZ we would not regard as beach going weather and there were the obligatory amusement rides which only served to detract from the atmosphere.

We ambled along the sea wall and looked out into Lyme Bay on the seaside or back across to the town centre itself 

Leaving LR we travelled the 6 or so miles back to Axminster to find our accommodation which is in a B&B down a narrow country lane.

Driving through these lanes is a hair raising experience as they in some places are only a car width wide and at most 1.75 widths wide, corners are blind and unfortunately they carry a fair amount of traffic, some drivers being very courteous and almost driving in a hedge to let you pass while others seem to just blindly try and shoot through the gap - so far we have avoided any carnage!

Having been woken by the seagulls at first light this morning in Fowey we are thinking that the chooks in the back garden may well repeat the dose tomorrow morning - all part of travelling I guess!

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