Sunday 23 July 2017

Dizzy Desi....

A record was achieved today - nine and a half hours in Madrid Central shopping and 8.2kms walked doing it!

The main benefactor of our (her) spend was Thomas Meyer the founder of Desigual as his profits were given quite a boost.

And that sums up our day!

Some observations:

  • There are a relatively large number of homeless/beggars around town or on the Metro and it is surprising how many people drop them some coins. One we saw on the Gran Via (one of the main streets) had 2 dogs and 2 kittens with him
  • Madrid has a distinct buzz about it, it is colourful, it seems very diverse, it is hot, there are people everywhere going in all directions, a lot of young people out and about at all times mainly hanging on to a mobile phone, the older women dress stylishly, the younger ones trendily
  • Restaurants and cafes abound and nearly all are well populated at any time with a wide range of food to be had e.g. Our lunch today was

  • The roads are heavy with traffic and the traffic lights can be quirky e.g. on one roundabout we got a green light but moved only 2 metres to the next light which was red. The pedestrian Xings have a distinct sound when you can cross and because there are many close together this sound can be heard almost continuously in some areas.
  • We enjoy Madrid.

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