Tuesday 25 July 2017

Holy Toledo...

Arrived in Toledo mid morning as it is only 80kms approx. down the motorway from Madrid and was lucky to be able to book into our hotel on arrival when booking time was 2pm onwards.

Toledo was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986 and sits on a hill surrounded on three sides by the Rio Tajo (River Targus). It was the capital of The Spanish empire 

before that was moved to Madrid in the 1500s and its history dates back to Roman times, circa 192BC.

The town retains its original Moorish layout of irregular narrow streets and blind alleys with grated windows and courtyard houses with numerous churches and the mandatory Cathedral.

Our hotel is on another hill with magnificent views of the historic town and is around a 20 minute walk to the Puente de San Martin which is the footbridge into the Old Town from the Los Cigarrales area ( south side).


From there it is a relatively steep walk in the maze of streets up to the main plaza - Zocodover, a plaza we never got to today.

We were beaten a little by the heat today and knowing that there was a swimming pool back at the hotel that was like a magnet and so we retreated from the Old Town back to the hotel mid afternoon and spent some refreshing time in the pool - the photo of the historic area above is actually taken from the pool area.

We will venture back into town around 6.30pm to find somewhere to eat.

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