Monday 17 July 2017

A sea of yellow!

The trip out of San Sebastián this morning though on the motorway was initially through winding valley floors with the hills either side until we started to get to the southern end of Euskal Herria when it opened out into arid looking land punctuated by fields of bright yellow sunflowers - as we motored along we tried to get a photo of the fields but that was hampered by bushes on the side of the road obscuring the view of the brightest of them

The hotel in Burgos is in a pedestrian precinct which created some issues with the car - we followed the instructions given by the hotel, "set the GPS for Calle Concordia and when you get to the bollard use the intercom on the left of the vehicle to contact the hotel who will lower the bollard to give entry", and we duly arrived at a bollard but the intercom was on the right! 

Sherry got out and went to the intercom but a gentleman out with his dog quickly advised her that we couldn't go through this entry - well at least that is what we understood him to be saying - and he got through to us that we needed to continue down the street and turn right, then right again.

We did so and who should be standing about 75m up the road waving us up but the same gentleman- we got alongside him and again he gave us more directions to get to the hotel. All we could say was "muchas gracias" as we exchanged smiles and put the 3008 in the hotel garage.

Unpacked and hit the streets looking for lunch but was met by 35 degree heat which rather knocked the energy out of us, but nevertheless after a bite to eat walked a little around the town, trying to stay in the shade, just to get a feel of the layout - by now the city was deep into siesta time and apart from some bars being open and busy the streets were getting rather deserted as the shops had closed until 5.30 pm.

Found our way a little walk out of the Old Town to a supermarket and stocked up on the essentials and staggered back to the hotel to refresh.

Come 5.00ish we ventured out again to check out some shops and to find a place for a meal later in the evening - kitchens generally don't start serving until 7.30-8.00

Tomorrow I'll have the camera with me and get some shots of Burgos

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