Sunday 2 July 2017

Country Fair

This afternoon we decided to go for a walk prior to dinner and we ended up at the Padstow Vintage and Country Fair just as it was closing down - it was a pity that we hadn't gone earlier as there was so much to see.

We spent sometime talking to the gent who built this miniature steam train which he had named "Missy" - it was beautiful piece of work.

He told us he had spent two and a half years full time, and by that he wasn't meaning only 40 hours a week - his wife used to go out to the garage at around 10 at night and tell him she was off to bed! - the actual cost excluding his labour was £15,000 approximately.

He is in a miniature steam train club and exhibits at fairs as often as he can, he has another next weekend. He was an ex-Royal Navy steam maintenance man and the love he had for all things steam caused him to undertake the project.

He reminder both of us of Sherry's father who had a similar bent for things mechanical and who would have loved to have undertaken a project such as this and built a camper bus but the total support of ones better half is crucial if something like this is to get off the ground.

The photos below may give an appreciation of what was exhibited

While driving to dinner last night at the Fisherman's Cot we passed two gypsy wagons off to the side of the road with the horses unhitched and grazing - on the way back it was obvious they had pitched for the night as one of the men was sitting around a pot over a fire having a smoke, I wish I had my camera with us at the time as it was sight we hadn't seen previously 

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