Wednesday 31 July 2019

Tour de France... more ways than one!

Set off for Sault this morning to see some of the lavender fields that are still in bloom - the lower down the country the earlier the season finishes and at this time of the year the remaining fields still to be harvested are around Sault, which is approximately 90 kms north of Aix En-Provence.

I’m not sure what setting is on the GPS because she (we have a female voice on our one at the moment) took us along some very dodgy roads to get there, in some cases the road barely allowed traffic to go two ways and on other roads while the speed limit was 90 at times I felt we couldn’t go any faster than 45-50 safely.

Sault is (another) hilltop village and presented a nice picture as we approached

Parking was found just before the town and we walked in to find that it was their market day the streets narrow as they were were made even narrower by the rows of stalls set up - as we sat having lunch they stalls started to be dismantled though it would be some time before they would all be packed away.

As for the purpose of the drive - the lavender fields? Looking down from the town to the plains below the purple uncut lavender filled a few fields however as it was late in the season the colour wasn’t as we had seen in photos 

It appears from things around town that the Tour de France went through Sault this year as there was the following painted on the ground at the highest point of the main road 

and given the number of cyclists on the road and in town it looks like post the event the boys and girls are trying to emulate the (drugged up) athletes.

On the way out of town en route to Bonnieux a(nother) ancient hillside village we passed other lavender fields

We  arrived in Bonnieux mid afternoon to find it very very quiet as if it was siesta time so apart from having a coffee we ambled around the steep streets taking it all in.
We were intrigued by the following sign however 
We wonder how much she/he costs and how long you can rent her/him for!

Returned to Aix via some more challenging roads.

Kms driven today: 195

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