Sunday 28 July 2019

There were a couple of foxes paws today...

...or faux pas (if you prefer the French).

Firstly we listened to the tourist office girl who told us that there was a daily fruit and veggie market so we went to buy some produce for a self-prepared meal tonight but having walked to the other end of town we find that the market is only on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - not to worry as we could then go to the supermarket after lunch.

FP number 2 was waiting to go the supermarket after lunch as when we went out again around 1.00pm we found that the supermarket (and nearly all the shops) had closed at 12.30 today being a Sunday.

Plan C was put in place which was to eat out however as we ambled through the old town there was a 7-11 type shop open so we brought some (ordinary looking) veggies and some chicken so we are reverting to plan A.

If you have a sweet tooth you may like a piece of the local nougat which is sold from street stalls and shops
Or perhaps a piece of Pain d’epices, again sold from a street stall - the “cake” is slow cooked for 8 hours and then cut into various sized pieces and sold by the weight. It is a cakey consistency and flavoured with ginger and various other fruits or nuts e.g. apricot There were plenty of sightseers in and around the centre and particularly in the old town where we spent some time looking at the numerous fountains, eye catching buildings and squares.

The chefs overlooking the Cours Mirabeau 

Mid afternoon we returned to the apartment for a coffee (& I used the break to write this blog) and on the way back passed under the array of colourful umbrellas ☂ partially covering a square.
Tomorrow we have planned to drive to Martigues, nicknamed Provencale Venice, for a swim in the Mediterranean at one of the numerous beaches in the area, probably Plage Sainte-Croix.

An edit for yesterday’s blog - our host told us that there are 300 restaurants in the area however Trip Advisor ranks over 800!

Having read numerous reports both published in NZ and online and watched game highlights I’m now convinced that the NRL is a corrupt organisation and do not want the Warriors in the playoffs!

Kms driven today 0

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