Friday 12 July 2019

Off topic...

...The only English Channel available to us in the apartment is France 24 which is a BBC news type channel.

This morning as we watched the news there was an interesting story which captured my attention I guess because it seemed incredible and that was in France a new church is being built every 10 days!

A pleasant sight around Copenhagen are the Hollyhocks which appear to be in full bloom - there are various colours all of which are a delight to look at. 

Another oddity, if that is what it is, is that a lot of street side shops are at least a half a floor below street level.
Today we headed for Langelinie a group of outlet shops down by the cruise boat terminal - it’s a pity we didn’t read about it before we went to see The Little Mermaid yesterday as it was close by, in fact it’s a pity we read about it at all as it wasn’t worth the hike!

There were advantages however as along the way we walked the shoreline of the Soerne and of Sortedams So two of four enclosed areas of water in the city and through Kastellet said to be one of North Europe’s finest and best preserved fortifications.

Having had a cursory look through the shops we started the walk back into the city via the harbour sidewalk stopping at a restaurant for a late lunch and an energy reviver . 

We stopped off in Nyhaven to see the house Hans Christian Andersen lived in for part of his life in Copenhagen - the apartment with the window open in the photo below

After which we returned to the apartment before venturing out later for a meal.

By the time the day was over we had walked 79 kms since we landed here last Sunday morning - I think we are entitled to feel weary come lights out.

A novelty seen here in Norrebo are groups of outside seats made from pallets - anyone willing to take the idea up in Auckland?

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