Saturday 27 July 2019

The “Dark Zone”

At breakfast this morning we met a German family who like us were heading to Aix-En Provence and they were eager to get on the road before the “Dark Zone” which sweeps down from the north on a summer Saturday and particularly when it is a long weekend as it is we are told this weekend (but what for, we don’t know).

As we endeavoured to clarify what this zone was it turned out to be the swarm of traffic heading south, we assume mid morning, as families start their holidays or head to the south compounded by the fact that the changeover day for holiday homes is typically a Saturday as it is today.

Eager also to miss the zone we quickly packed up and said our goodbyes to our hosts and headed off. Did we see the Dark Zone? Well we certainly got held up in stop go traffic at various times of the trip, the traffic was very heavy in both directions....
I know that doesn’t look heavy 

...and the time taken to get through the toll booth on the motorway was the best part of 15-20 minutes 
On European motorways every 50 or so kms there are “truck stops” where you can fill up with petrol, at inflated prices it must be said, have a picnic or go to a cafe/restaurant/bakery/shop selling products of the area - we stopped at 2 on the way down and the second being around lunchtime was the largest and busiest of any we have stopped at on any trip.This is only a small portion of it looking back to the entry - they have attendants to direct traffic to parking areas and generally keep things moving.

Having eaten we continued on to Aix, put the car in a car park and had a brief look around the central area - at first look it seems to have a very modern and busy centre, a main rue with all the major banks on one side and a lot of the 300 restaurants in town on the other as well as the most modern looking Apple store I have seenWe then went to find our accommodation and we have scored a good one here, being an apartment with all the modcons and a lovely balcony & within 3 minutes walk of the centre.

Kms driven today: 205

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