Saturday 20 July 2019

There is Pride in the City

While Sherry was washing her hair this morning I went for a ride on one of the bikes available to us. The roads were quiet being 9.00am on a Saturday morning as I slowly cycled around, not really knowing where I was going but always watching where I was in relation to a tall chimney which rises from a factory around 10 mins walk from home.

I firstly went through a residential area with what we think are traditional Swedish housing if you are not living in an apartment...

...and then further on I circled the Malmo Stadium which didn’t at all remind me of MSS...Having passed the stadium the chimney was nowhere to be seen so I continued around the stadium complex hoping that if I went full circle all would be OK and sure enough it was not long before my friend the chimney came into view which enabled me to get myself back home.

Later we walked into the City with the intention of heading out to see the Turning Tower however on the way we stood with hundreds of others to watch the Gay Pride parade wend its way through the city - it was a pleasant watch for around an hour but there were few of the participants who had dressed up in the manner we see with the Auckland parade.

After stopping at an Expresso House cafe, a chain here in Scandinavia which are very spacious and have very pleasant decor we continued on our way to the Turning Tower. After a while we saw it in the distance and wondered whether we had bitten off more than we could manage but nevertheless pressed on.

The tower which is said to be the tallest in this part of the world dominates this area of the City and gives the impression that the floors would not be level.

Continuing on past the Tower we came to the coast and there was a very good view of the Oresund Bridge and on the horizon what we assumed to be Denmark.
(The Bridge is there if you look close enough)

And it was also time for a (not very flattering) selfie!

The day had been planned around arriving at the railway station to a have a meal - yes in the railway station - at a restaurant which had been recommended for it’s Swedish meatballs, however by the time we arrived the kitchen was closed so we had a meal at the only other outlet still serving and enjoyed a very nice and very large plate of a Turkish style meal.

By the time we arrived back home at around 8 o’clock we had wracked up 15kms on our feet.

Saw today a parking building that was advertising 75 charging stations for E-vehicles!

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