Tuesday 9 July 2019


...not the heat though the day was a very nice 20 odd degree summers day, but Sherry’s feet after our walking around today.

The apartment is approximately 3km from the central area so that’s at least 6kms per day (I know we could get the bus but why waste the opportunity for exercise) before we do the sightseeing things.

This morning our first stop was at Kongens Have which houses the Rosenborg Slot. The Kings Gardens (Kongens Have) is the oldest Palace garden in Denmark and was laid out in 1606. 

We then moved onto Centrum for lunch following which we went via Nyhaven across the main “waterway” to find two areas renowned for their street food - while we found the closest one, Broens Gadekokken despite walking for around another 45 minutes, the other, Reffen remained elusive even though those we asked said we were heading in the right direction.

When we finally arrived at the site it appeared to be undergoing significant road reconstruction, so much so that we didn’t bother having a look around and made our way to catch the water bus back to Nyhaven a 15-20 min journey.

This dome is iconic for us as we have seen it numerous times in Danish TV programs we have seen over the years.

Alighting at Nyhaven I left Sherry to have a look around Magasin du Nord, Copenhagen’s version of Smith & Caughey, while I sought out some free WiFi to find the cricket score - to say I was disappointed with what I found is an understatement (157-3 after 40) however I now see that the game has been stopped for rain so Mr Duckworth Lewis may have to get the calculator out.

After meeting up again we stopped for a coffee before calling at a supermarket to get something we could cook for dinner and then started the 3km trudge back home.

As well as being known for cycling Copenhagen also has a name for itself for the old style wrought iron bench seat and they are very well used - crossing the bridge on the way home there are many of these seats and it’s strange to see them all in use with the occupants facing the traffic on the bridge  - not a very relaxing view!

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