Tuesday 23 July 2019

Into the Frying Pan!

An early rise this morning as we had to get to the Triangeln train station by 7.45 to catch the train to Kastrup Airport - thankfully the rain which had fallen since early last night had cleared as we had a 30 minute walk dragging 4 suitcases!

Speaking of rain, we have been in Scandinavia for just over 2 weeks and other than having to dodge 2 daytime showers any other wetness has fallen during the night - are we going to be lucky like we have on every other trip and be unaffected by any wet weather?

We have walked passed this shop on numerous occasions and always wondered what we would be in for if we did ring...
... as it is a massage place after all!

So after leaving Sweden returning to Denmark then flying to Switzerland we were in 3 different countries in 6 hours.

I must mention Kastrup, Copenhagen’s airport - once you are airside it opens up into an endless shopping centre with many of the shops being of High Street class
The flight to Geneva was around 1H45M and as walked down the aircraft stairs the heat hit us - we left up north when it was around 19 degrees and struck somewhere between 30-35 degrees when we arrived and we certainly noticed the difference as we walked to our hotel which is around 400m from the airport as this is where we pick up the car on Friday - even though I say here in fact we pick it up in France which is on the other side of the airport .
The airport as seen from our hotel room
Also from our room a very dry soccer ground!

After unpacking we took the bus into the CBD - this too is interesting as all visitors staying in hotels in Geneva are given a free transport pass for the length of their stay. A concept which perhaps our city fathers could consider.

The CBD was a very busy place (& hot) and was dominated by Lake Geneva which appears to be widely used both on and off shore

We ate on one of the numerous terrace restaurant in this street, the first hill/slope we have encountered since we left NZ ...
...which finished off an enjoyable day

We have just seen a weather forecast for the rest of the week and they are forecasting temperatures that have rarely been seen in some parts - let’s hope it skirts where we are.

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