Thursday 17 August 2017


Like all cities there are some appealing structures however Valencia seems to have more than most.

While today was spent sans camera I was still able to get photos of a couple

The above is a cafe/restaurant complex which if I hazard a guess was once a railway station - we went there because we were told it was a market but that advice was misplaced.

With the temperatures still in the mid 30s we decided to go to the beach this afternoon which required a metro trip of 6 stops then a tram of another 4.

Having worked out the route (Line 5 to Maritim-Serreria then transfer to Line 6 and get off at Les Arenes) we set off. Line 5 got us to the connection with Line 6 no problem but Line 6 for the first 3 stops followed the route required but for some inexplicable reason changed to Line 4 and took another route. With the help of a couple of passengers we got back on track by getting out and walking to the beach, not before the young lady told us not to get the metro back into town after our swim but take either bus 2 or 19.

The beach was crowded, the young ladies were, many of them, topless and the water was very warm with some waves rolling in.

However the disappointment was that the quality of the water was yuk! Plastic bags and other detritus floated around with gay abandon so much so that it was decided that heads had to stay out of the water to avoid "contamination". It was strange to think that we appeared to be the only ones concerned about it. 

How fish survive in that I'll never know!

After the swim we went looking for the bus and hopped on a 19 however when the ticket we had purchased earlier in the day was rejected by the tag on we almost had to hop off - our ticket was limited to the Metro despite being told that they were used on both Metro & bus. Usually buses don't accept cash but this one did so we were able to purchase tickets for the trip back to town.

Passing the port area we saw Emirates Team New Zealand emblazoned across a large boat shed a reminder of that unsuccessful America's Cup campaign of 2007 (AC32).

So with the tram not going where it should, the water being infiltrated with junk and the bus rejecting the ticket it was a memorable day but for the wrong reasons.

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