Thursday 24 August 2017

Market Day

During our drive to Tarragona we crossed a dateline, a unique experience for us as though when flying you do so without realising it, on this occasion the actual line was clearly marked out across the highway.

What did it mean in terms of time - frankly nothing as all of Spain is on the same time as is most of Western Europe. 

We awoke this morning or it is better said we were woken this morning by activity out in the Rambla Nova being the Main Street through Tarragona and on which the hotel is situated. When we looked out we found that a street market was being set up so after breakfast we walked the market.

There was stall after stall of shoes and clothes and more shoes and more clothes and .. you get the picture all relatively cheap. I was able to purchase two reasonable quality polo shirts for the princely sum of 16€.

After lunch we walked down to the port area and El Serrallo a restaurant area much like the Viaduct, though smaller. There was little activity in the port however a nice looking vessel was moored across "the other side"

On the way back up to the city area we called in to the Roman Forum, a reasonably large area with numerous ruins - every time we see an area such as this I think how the archeologists must have wet themselves in delight as they excavated and uncovered the history of the area

A couple of months before we left for holiday we saw a programme on TV which highlighted a traditional sport in Tarragona province - to see which team could build the highest human tower (Castells). There are some very good YouTube clips to have a look at and there was also a statue on the Main Street in tribute to the sport.

While walking around after tea last night we came across a building which had the whole side of it, some five storeys in all painted to tell a story - what the story was I'm not sure but it certainly livened up the surrounding area....

....and before retiring for the evening I stood on the terrace and took a photo of the scene below on Rambla Nova, there is a large area between the two lanes of roadway which people amble, even perhaps ramble along (while the market was on today there were concrete bollards in place at either end of the Rambla to prevent a Barcelona type tragedy)

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