Sunday 20 August 2017

A Might Tree Has Fallen...

...woke to the news that Pinetree succumbed yesterday - a great player and a fine gentleman. RIP Sir Colin.

The drive up to Zaragoza was uneventful in fact there was a sameness about most of it as for around 150kms of the 300kms we drove across a "plain" - there were hills off to the side at some distance but the valley floor was relatively flat. Set the cruise control at 112 being 8 under the limit and sat back.

At Tureul in the middle of these plains there was an airport which had at least a dozen large craft on the tarmac which seemed odd given there was no actual community in sight. A quick google tells us that this airport is a storage and maintenance facility.

Arrived at Zaragoza just before mid afternoon and booked into the hotel which is conveniently placed. After a relax we ventured out to have a look around and was surprised how nice the city appeared to be.

There is a large square adjacent to the hotel and the road running perpendicular to Coso, the road on which the hotel is situated, leads to a magnificent Basilica, Basilica Del Pilar.

We took a walk slightly out of the town centre to visit the Palacio de la Aljaferia, a moorish inspired structure built in the 11th century and with some of the decorative aspects we saw in the Mezquita in Córdoba. Zaragoza is situated in the wider Aragon region and the Regional Assembly of Aragon has its seat in a section of this building.

An amble back into the city, a meal in a restaurant on the square in front of the Basilica and then back to the hotel for a swim in the rooftop pool (and boy was the water cold) just before the pool closed at 9pm.

(The wifi at the hotel doesn't appear to be good enough to post photos on the blog so there may not be any over the next three days)

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