Saturday 5 August 2017

Back in Blighty!

Jerez to Gibraltar was around a 2 hour drive this morning initially passed paddocks of dead sunflowers (assumed the seeds had been harvested) and then passed one of if not the largest wind farm we have seen - it must have stretched for around 10kms with these graceful statues gyrating slowly in the breeze

We stopped in the middle of nowhere at a service centre for a cup of coffee and entered a cafe/restaurant that for 10 in the morning and in a location such as we were was literally buzzing

There we at least 4 guys behind the counter making coffees, shouting orders to kitchen staff out the back and shouting out to clients when their orders were ready.

About 22 road kilometres from Gibraltar the famous rock came into view 

and before too long we were in the queue of cars, approximately 250m long, waiting to go though passport control to enter U.K. territory again. Once through then it was off across the airport runway (the runway literally separates Spain from Gibraltar) and then the narrow streets until we found our hotel, The Rock, about a third of the way up The Rock.

Our room has a tremendous view out over the busy Bay of Gibraltar and today Morocco is visible in the far left of the photo below with Algeciras being the land mass clearly visible

We made our way down town and through a very busy pedestrian thoroughfare called Main Street, passing groups of Jewish families chatting in the street (Saturday is their Sabbath and they had obviously been to some service) and an unusual number of bikies who were in town.

It was only when we got to Cashmate's Square at the end of Main Street did the reason for the influx of bikies become clear


The whole square was full of bikes, Harley's in the main, and there was a band playing - I think we might be lucky that our hotel is at the other end of town as the boys looked like they might be going to enjoy themselves however there is a wedding being held in the hotel so we might be in for an interrupted night.

The tremendous heat continues in this part of the world so its lucky that we have chosen a hotel with a pool.

Tomorrow we will go up The Rock to take in the view and also see the Barbary macaques being the only wild monkeys found in Europe - given how steep it is it will be a toss up whether we walk or talk the cable car. After staggering up from town this afternoon if it comes to a vote I know what I'll be voting for๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš 

Gibraltar is 6.72km2 and has a population of around 32,000 and with a population density of 4328/km2 it is the 5th most densely populated country in the world. It is also only one of the two British dependencies that drive on the right side of the road. The currency is the Gibraltar Pound.

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