Tuesday 22 August 2023

Spoilt big time

Went to Naples today by train, arrived around 10.00am and walked out of the station into what to us was chaos, people everywhere, street vendors on every corner, traffic mayhem and as Sherry said it really challenges your senses.

Made our way to via Toledo which is a reasonably long pedestrian only strip and jostled our way along it with many others.

Watched a pizzeria deliver the pizza fritti to their patrons by lowering them by rope in a basket from the second floor

Outside another there was a queue of at least 50 waiting to be served - the queue snaked across the full width of the pedestrians zone.

Walked to Piazza del Plebscite the largest in Naples and took photos 

Then for the rest of the afternoon we ambled around the narrow alleys in Centro Storico where I found a barber to trim what were now rather shaggy locks.

By now we needed to get back somewhere near the station so using Google Maps made our way through a maze of streets before sighting the station about 500metres away so satisfied we weren’t lost my iPhone which we use for directions was put in the pocket and we made our way to the station.

Sat down in a restaurant and said to Sherry “do you have my phone” immediately realising that the guy who bumped into me near the station had done so for a purpose and that was to pickpocket the phone.

Immediate panic set in as the phone had plenty of information on it, after all it is a walking computer, some of the information was bank accounts etc. as well as our train tickets home and all the photos from today and prior days of our trip.

Tried to eat dinner but felt sick to the stomach!

When we went to enter the platforms to get home was asked for our tickets and luckily I had saved them to my watch so was able to get on a train and back home

Walked in the door and immediately set the phone to erase and sat back and waited for it to be connected to internet so that could happen.

Have just received advice from Apple that it has been erased so hopefully we have escaped the worst.

Enjoyed Naples up until this happened. I guess we have been lucky as it took 6 trips to Europe before we got pickpocketed, bastards, as it spoilt a good day.

Have to guesstimate the amount we walked today but it would have been 10km plus

1 comment:

Lance Riesterer said...

Stay safe guys …buggar.