Tuesday 1 August 2023


If you are in a customer services role and need a mentor then Fabio is the perfect person.

He runs UP Hotel in Rimini and has all the skills one needs to do so.

Why UP we asked him - “Everyone is a Unique Person!

He was always present in the breakfast room having a conversation with all and sundry, making sure that they were having a good meal, answering any question, enquiring what your plans were for the day, giving advice on those plans and cracking jokes.

“There is only one thing wrong with Italy” he said, “the Italians”

He was the typical Italian always talking with his hands

There were some aspects of the hotel which were unique (or we had never experienced them)

* an honesty box - if you wanted a coffee or a snack just take it and record on the screen adjacent and it will be added to the bill
* gave guests a branded aluminium water bottle to use while a guest
* on leaving gave a small carton of water and some biscuits to have on the trip

It was great to have enjoyed his company and hopefully his point of difference helps UP Hotel stand out from the 1000 odd hotels in the beach area of Rimini.

Moved further down Italy today arriving at Ancona, a place Fabio didn’t speak too highly of and perhaps he is right.

It is a port city with car ferries moving folk across the Adriatic- as we had our first walk around there was a Greek ferry leaving port, we assume, for somewhere in Greece

At the time we were in the central area it was approaching the end of siesta so there wasn’t much life to be seen

We will see what we think after another day tomorrow.

Two views of Ancona from the terrace in the apartment 

Kms driven to date 3173
Kms walked to date 454.6
Spent on Diesel €226.02
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.699 Verona
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479 Freiburg
Spent on tolls €49.60

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