Wednesday 2 August 2023

Fabio may be right!

When Fabio implied that Ancona may not have a lot going for it we thought he may be just pumping the tyres for his own city but having been here for a day and a half he may just be right.

The main shopping area which is confined to one street in the main is not very inspiring and if there are attractions that are must sees none so far have grabbed us.

Until lunchtime we were in and around the shopping area and after lunch we went swimming, which was far more enjoyable as by then the heat had drained a lot of our energy but not so much that we couldn’t walk to the closest swimming area at Passetto.

Arriving in the area we were greeted with a sight of the war memorial 

and then to get to the beach there were around 10 flights of stairs (ok going down but coming up was another story) however there was a lift available to get back up.

The beach, a typical pebble beach, was well crowded with many umbrellas in use 
As soon as we arrived it was into the sea, with sandals still on to protect the feet, to get the body temperature back under control.

The water was a pleasant temperature and very refreshing and after bobbing around in it for 20 or so minutes we then started walking around the coast and to our surprise came across just over 100 “holiday homes” built into the cliff face each being around 2 metres wide and of unknown depth, which the owner or maybe lessee had decorated and furnished to their own taste.
According to a board by the war memorial there are over 500 such structures around the coast of Ancona which started off as boat sheds but from the 1960s they started to be converted into “holiday homes”. From those we could see inside of as we walked passed the users have made them very functional.

As we left the beach we thought we would take the lift as the walk up the stairs looked very daunting but alas it was not to be as you needed to buy a €1 ticket and the ticket machine only took coins whereas as a precaution I had only stuffed a couple of €5 notes in my pocket, leaving credit cards, watches and loose change etc. back in the apartment in case our gear was uplifted by persons unknown when we were having a swim.

We literally staggered up the stairs and made our way home.

If nothing else gets our attention we will back tomorrow (with coins) to rinse and repeat.

Kms driven to date 3173
Kms walked to date 463.7
Spent on Diesel €226.02
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.699 Verona
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479 Freiburg
Spent on tolls €49.60

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