Wednesday 16 August 2023

Pizza off the menù

Today we went on a day trip firstly to Gallipoli (as someone told us recently not that Gallipoli) and then onto Santa Maria Di Leuce.

Gallipoli is around 40kms from Lecce but on the Mediterranean coast side of Italy. The historic centre is on an island off the mainland and was founded before 265BC by the Greeks and still today a Greek dialect is spoken, not that I think we heard any. In 265BC it was taken off the Greeks by the Romans and at one time was “owned” by the Roman Popes.

At the entrance to the island is the Castle

and being on the coast the environment is very maritime

As you leave the island there is the juxtaposition of the modern looking over the old

I don’t think one needs a doctor’s prescription for these but if nothing else they may make your eyes water
Red chillies 

Another 50kms south east lies Santa Maria Di Leuca which is the most southern point on the heel of Italy’s boot and obviously it too is a maritime environment - arriving there completed our travels from the top of Italy (Bolzano in the Italian Alps) down the east coast to the foot of Italy.

It was a very crowded place, cars bumper to bumper and not moving, though the drivers hands were moving pressing horns, and boats active on the water with many bathers, however as a town there wasn’t much to see but at least we can say we have been there!

Where in Italy can’t you buy a pizza for lunch - Santa Maria Di Leuce! 

For variety it was decided a pizza was the answer for today but not one of the restaurants we went to on the waterfront was selling them during lunch time so we settled for Buffalo Mozzarella and tomatoes 

Given all the lovely bright red tomatoes 🍅 we have seen and eaten it was a surprise to receive plates with “terrible” looking and insipid tasting tomatoes made slightly worse by the cost when converted to NZD, $20.

A 75km drive up the centre saw us back in Lecce

Kms driven to date 4589
Kms walked to date 601.6
Spent on Diesel €309.25
Highest price paid to date for diesel €1.839/L Bari
Lowest price paid to date for diesel €1.479/L Freiburg
Spent on tolls €81.10 

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