Sunday 15 September 2019

It is done!

Paris is done! We are done!

Paris city has a population of 2.1m and the Greater Region of Paris just over 12m and I think over the weekend we have seen everyone of them!

Late this morning it was back on the RER B train to Gard de Nord and then on the metro to Anvers to visit the Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre. This Basilica sits on the highest point in the city, is the second most visited monument in Paris, was constructed in the period 1875-1914 and is a building of great beauty.
Even though it was a Sunday out of holiday season the environs were absolutely crowded. At the time of our visit there was a service coming to a conclusion but that didn’t stop us or others walking around inside the Basilica and admiring everything about it, particularly the frescoes in the ceiling From the area adjacent there is a view of ET standing tall in another part of the cityWe stopped at a “foodie” store on the way back to the Metro and were taken with the numerous copies of the significant Paris monuments created in chocolate Back on the metro and it was across town to view another majestic structure 
Arc de Triomphe which sits at the top of
as if it was designed to look down and protect this tree lined Avenue
We walked down one side (as you do) passing all the high end stores before crossing over and coming up the other side in an absolute mass of humanity. 

It was a delightful environment to be in.
Back on the metro and off to the Notre Dame area again, which as best we can tell is central Paris, for dinner before heading back out to the airport so completing our refresh of Paris.

It has been a very enjoyable weekend enhanced by the superb weather which we understand has been a little unseasonal.

And so our latest European odyssey is over as at midday tomorrow we fly through to Singapore.

We have seen a lot, we have done a lot, we have had great conversations with hosts we have stayed with and fellow English speaking tourist and we have enjoyed our interactions with the Danes, Swedes, Swiss and French folk we have had contact with.

Will we be back? Who knows!

Au revoir France and we hope at least you are beaten finalists in the Rugby World Cup.

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