Monday 2 September 2019

1 out of 8 ain’t too bad!

Since arriving in Copenhagen over 2 months ago we have used the train system 8 times and trams in StE around 10-12 times and on only one occasion has our ticket been checked by a “conductor”, so either the transport companies are losing a heap of money or Europeans are incredibly honest.

Speaking of honesty again yesterday we saw a man drop some notes on the ground and start to walk off so we called him back - another grateful French person.

This morning we took the TER train to Besançon a town 70+kms from Dijon and a journey of just under an hour.
As we stopped at the various stations en route it brought home to us the number of “dead” and graffitied train carriages there must be sitting in sidings all around the world - it would make train travel more eye appealing if the companies disposed of them at the knackers yard at the end of their useful life.
Besançon was the same but different - there were some very nice buildings, the central area was surrounded by  water, there was a tram system throughout the town and as it was Monday many of the shops were shut!

oThere was even a NZ tattooist in town or someone who was using a marketing ploy - the examples of his work in the parlour certainly did not cry out MaoriA. manufacturing watchmakers window display made us stop and window shop for quite sometime as the feature clocks he makes were “mind blowing” and  at a cost of around €9000 wallet popping as well Mid afternoon it was back to the station and on another train this time to Dole another town typical of this area with tidy pedestrian walkways and a main street with well kept picturesque buildings but like many it was quite slumbering on a Monday.

A beautiful mural on a Dole building 
A walk around, a coffee near the church and then it was back to the station (1854 vintage) and onto a train to take us back to Dijon.
Another enjoyable day.

Kms driven today:0

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