Tuesday 17 September 2019

Bumpy bumpy

During our driving in France we must have gone over literally a hundred road humps designed to slow traffic down and today’s flight felt very much the same. There was a constant shudder (not significant but enough flexing of the plane to get ones attention) of the A380 from the time we climbed out of Paris until we landed here in Singapore, which made sleeping only something we could dream about and as a consequence the heads have been very foggy/glazed over all day much like the city here which has had a haze over it all day.

Touch down was 40 minutes early, a relatively quick movement through the airport and into a taxi arriving at the hotel around 7.30am - luckily for us our room was available so we were able to get in and unpack etc. and then spend a few hours waiting for Singapore to wake up before we ventured out.
As both heads of hair need some attention the first thing we did was find the salon Sherry used two years ago when we last stayed here on the way back from Europe to make an appointment and having done that I frequented a barber shop and had a trim - the cutter was somewhere on the LGBT scale however he/she did a reasonable job, thankfully.

With the F1 being this weekend there are a lot of road closures in force so making our way to the mall where we remembered it to be was an exercise - through the Suntec mall and across the “air bridge”  to the next mall - Singapore is a city of large shopping centres and monstrous hotels including the stately old lady, Raffles.
By this time I was in need of some shut eye so it was back to the hotel while Sherry went to another shopping centre. After a very early meal in a Korean restaurant in Raffles City it was to be lights out as soon as I had written our daily travel blog.

A review of the last few days of our 2017 travel diary will show a photo of statues of dogs outside Raffles City - that statue has been replaced by a new one.

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