Saturday 17 June 2023

We are on our way

We pushed back from Auckland almost on the scheduled time and as I write this part of the blog we are approximately 1/2 way to Singapore with another 5 hours to go.

We are crossing over the top of Australia in buffeting winds on the nose of the plane, (the headwinds have been up to 225kmph) so it is a slightly uncomfortable ride at the moment.

Have been following the Crusaders v Blues semifinal and that hasn’t made the trip any more pleasant!!

Our holiday is well planned out, so I thought I would record in this blog some of the expected numbers and at the end it will be interesting to see how the reality matches with the expected - we take ownership of a Peugeot 308 S/W in Frankfurt and drop it off 71 days later in Rome:

Kms driven                                 5200
Spend on diesel                          €479
Tolls paid.                                   €103

Arrived in Singapore 1.30am NZT and made our way through Terminal 3 to find out which gate our connection to Frankfurt departs from and as luck would have it, it is a fair walk through this behemoth of a terminal.

With 2.5 hours to kill we spent sometime in the Silverkris lounge before heading back out into the mass of humanity in the terminal and heading for gate A11

Only another 12h50m flight before we get to Europe! Tiring but no complaints.

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