Thursday 29 June 2017

Caerdydd yn croesawu Dewi a Sieri!

Thank god they also give the English translation on signs otherwise we would be totally lost!

A leisurely stroll took us into the city centre today with our first impressions being that it was a little dreary, but perhaps that was because of the overcast weather.

The centre of town is dominated by two things - the Castle and the Principality Stadium, the Castle being at the end of High St and the stadium just around the corner.

The castle is pleasant without being overly spectacular and consists of the outer walls & the House and the Keep which dominates the centre of the grounds within the walls.

The outer walls during the Second World War were turned into air raid shelters and as we walked through the tunnels (which were the shelters) the background sounds were of sirens blaring, planes overhead and bombs dropping which gave one a good impression of what it must have been like to be in those shelters when the Hun came overhead and dropped their bombs - so much so it gave one goosebumps and you could feel the same fear those in the shelters must have felt.

The Keep as said is quite a dominating feature, the steps up to it are quite steep and those within as one climbs to the top of it are very steep and slippery (just ask Sherry).

From the top there is a good panoramic view of inside the castle grounds and of wider Cardiff

(on the Keep)

No more than 500 metres stands what us older folk know as Cardiff Arms Park with the infamous Angel Hotel of Keith Murdoch fame on the corner of the road leading down to the stadium

It took all I knew to keep Sherry under control today but I succeeded!

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